Dear Wildcat Fans,
As you know, our football team will be competing in the State Championship game this Friday night at Centennial Stadium at 7:30 p.m. We are very lucky to have the home field advantage and want to take full advantage of that! We need all of our fans to show up decked out in their orange ready to cheer the Cats to victory! We need your help with the following things:
· Please make and/or bring a noisemaker of some kind with you Friday night. A milk jug filled with dried peas or a cowbell will be perfect! Let’s make some noise up in the stands so our boys know we are pulling for them!
· The cheerleaders gave out pom poms at last weeks’ game. They looked great in the stands! If you got one of those, please bring it back with you. If you did not get one last week, they will be giving out some more this week. We want to see them waving all night!
· The cheerleaders are going to lead all the fans in a pre-game pep rally to get the fans fired up and ready to go! Please be at the stadium at 6:30 p.m. for the pep rally. After the pep rally we will all take the field for the Spirit Line. Let’s stretch it across the field this week!
We are so very proud of our team and we want to let them know it! Come out Friday night to support the Cats! BE LOUD AND PROUD! See you there!
One to go!