National Honor Society
The Westwood National Honor Society is for juniors, seniors, and second-semester sophomores who meet the criteria of leadership, scholarship, character and service.
Admissions Criteria
Students who are in the 2nd semester of the 10th grade or above with an academic average of 90 or higher may receive an invitation to apply to be a member of the National Honor Society. In order to apply, students must have been enrolled at Westwood for the entire previous semester and cannot be a senior in their final semester. Students who apply for membership will be reviewed based on their contributions to their community and school as well as their character and leadership skills. Students will only receive one invitation to apply for membership.
To remain active in the National Honor Society, students must continue to maintain a 90 or higher average and meet the service and character requirements of the club as outlined in Westwood’s NHS chapter bylaws Students are expected to maintain the four pillars of the NHS – scholarship, leadership, service, and character.
NHS meetings are held at the school on a regular basis, and the meeting agenda is determined by each chapter’s leadership. Procedures and rules are followed as per by-laws. When needed, a NHS committee is formed utilizing NHS members and administration when rules are to be amended. All members are to follow current NHS chapter by-laws which are voted on by NHS chapter members.
Ongoing Activities
Each student member of the National Honor Society completes a minimum of 3 community service hours and 2 hours in service to the school per semester. Members can be found throughout their communities, churches, and school helping others.
The club funds projects that aid in the scholarship and character development of the school.
The 2022-2023 National Honor Society officers are Vivi Collins – Public Relations Officer, Sarah Sheffield- Vice President, Brooks Tucker – Secretary, Emily Childress – Treasurer, Mary Lou Simmons- President, and Carleigh Bynum – Service Project Chairman. The faculty advisor is Mrs. Fran Sheffield.