Board of Trustees


On behalf of the Board of Trustees, we welcome you to the 2023-2024 school year at Westwood. Founded in 1971, our school has continued to strive towards excellence and has built upon the traditions of preparing outstanding students for college and beyond. The Westwood Board of Trustees is committed to responsibly managing what has been entrusted to us, to ensure the viability of our school well into the future. We are grateful that our school was founded by individuals who had a strong belief in God, and that belief still stands firm more than 50 years after our inception. Our Bible verse for this year is found in Proverbs 16:3, “Commit your actions to the Lord and your plans will succeed” Thank you to our Headmaster Keith Croft for choosing this verse for our Westwood family.

Thank YOU for choosing Westwood!!!! We have one chance to educate our children, and we firmly believe that a Westwood educational experience  you can provide for your children. Beginning in the K grades, our students are loved well by their teachers while mastering the necessary foundations of education. Our Upper Elementary students begin looking forward to Westwood traditions that make our school unique while continuing to build on and excel in their academic growth. In Middle School, our students become more independent and learn from their mistakes all while under the care and supervision of an excellent Middle School staff. As our Middle Schoolers transition to a new building, they are presented with opportunities to be involved in school sports and clubs which begins the process of making a well rounded Westwood student. And, finally, in High School, our students not only become involved in clubs, sports, extra curricular activities, but also they are encouraged to bring ideas to our administration for school improvement, become involved in the Board of Trustees, and are pushed to excel academically.  A Westwood experience is a unique opportunity to learn what it means to thrive in life and the results are a student prepared for success and leadership after high school.  

We know that success in high school begins with a strong foundation received from K-3 through eighth grade.  Small class sizes, safe campus environment, family atmosphere, solid curriculum, our internationally recognized Learning Lab, and extra-curricular activities are a few of the reasons Westwood successfully prepares our elementary and middle-school students for the next step.  Students benefit from Spanish, Art, STEM, and PE classes, and can participate in numerous sports, clubs, and literary events.

As we reflect on last year and look to the future, we are pleased to announce that our 2023 graduating class was awarded almost $800,000 in scholarships to various colleges not including HOPE and Zell! That is an outstanding accomplishment, not only for our students but for our school as well. Our students are well equipped for college, and it is truly a team effort from our staff, to our parents and students. When everyone is pulling his/her load, there are no limits as to what can be accomplished.

Each year, it is also important to acknowledge the sacrifices many people and businesses have made through the years to help us produce leaders who succeed on college campuses, and give back to their communities. Because of their unwavering support, Westwood is known for producing students who not only excel academically, but also lead and find areas to serve. Their ability to handle all that is required of them as a Westwood student enables them to thrive as they enter their college years and beyond.

Our educational product of well over 1,000 graduates, leaders in business, law, medicine, education, agriculture, government, science, and technology, are evidence of Westwood’s tradition in providing excellence in academics.  Even though we have over 50 years of academic excellence, we never stop planning and preparing for the next year to be even better. 

None of this occurs without the parents and grandparents, who volunteer, donate, and advocate for the best for our school.  The Board appreciates hearing your comments and concerns so we can always continue to improve the Westwood experience for you and your children.

No matter if you are a parent, teacher, alumni, or student, we are all “Ambassadors for Westwood”.  Please join me in representing our school and promoting the good things that are occurring here that make Westwood important to our children’s and our community’s economic future.

Christy Ward
Chairman, Board of Directors
Westwood Class of 1998


Board Member Guidelines and Expectations


Members of the Board are the elected representatives of the parents of the school. Each board member is expected to support the school and its mission, the headmaster and his/her decisions along with decisions made by the board. Issues regarding policy, the mission of the school and leadership of the school are to be made by the Board with consultation with the headmaster. Issues regarding financial policies, enrollment, and employment terms are shared decisions between the board and the Headmaster. Operational decision (staffing, discipline, etc.) are made by the Headmaster with consultation with the Board if requested by the headmaster. It is not within the scope of the Board to handle or interfere in operation matters of the school.

The Westwood Board of Trustees has appointed the following committees:

Committee on Trustees

The committee is to partner with the Head of School regarding various points concerning the Board of Trustees.


  • Jessica Adams, Co-Chair
  • Lanair Worsham, Jr.
  • Cader Cox, IV



Booster Club President

  • Mitch Bernier

PTO President

  • Megan Williams

PTO Representative

  • Amanda Heard

Grandparent’s Club President

  • Lanair Worsham, Sr.




Alumni Relations Committee

The committee’s focus is to foster alumni support for Westwood.


  • Heather Lanier, Chair
  • Amanda Heard, Vice-Chair
  • Chris Nurmi – Golf Tournament
  • Boyd Williamson
  • Steve Shiver
  • Kelley Joyner
  • David Griner

Building/Grounds Committee

Buildings – he committee’s main roles are to monitor Westwood’s existing facilities for maintenance needs and to assist in planning for new facilities as needed.

Grounds – The committee’s main role is to monitor Westwood’s grounds for proper maintenance.


  • Hunter Spence,  Chair
  • Chris Nurmi, Vice-Chair
  • Wade Shiver
  • Cader Cox, IV
  • David Griner
  • Scott Sherman
  • Rob Ward

Communications & Marketing/Recruitment & Retention

Recruitment & Retention – The committee is responsible for recruiting new families and working with existing families. This committee also plans the annual Open House.

Communications & Marketing – The committee is responsible for promoting Westwood by showing the value of a private school education through press releases or content for local media sources, social media sources, and school website. They develop and maintain marketing initiatives to increase awareness of Westwood.


  • Jessica Adams, Chair
  • Amanda Heard, PTO Representative, Social Media
  • Paige Johnson, Website Coordinator
  • Heather Cox, Parent Representative
  • Steve Shiver, Alumni Representative
  • Isabelle Rubendall, Student Representative

Grievance Committee

Works to bring a successful conclusion to a conflict that may remain unresolved through the traditional chain of command. This committee only becomes involved with an issue after attempted resolution between the parent, faculty, and administration has failed.


  • Christy Ward, Chair
  • Lanair Worsham, Jr.

By-Law Review Ad-Hoc

The committee will review by-laws as requested from the chair to assess if any updates/clarifications are in order. The head of school and chairman shall be consulted. Suggested by-laws changes will be presented to the BOT for consideration.


  • Heather Lanier, Chair
  • Lanair Worsham, Jr.
  • David Cooper

Fundraising & GOAL

Fundraising – The committee’s focus is to provide input & guidance for all fundraising efforts at Westwood.

GOAL – The committee is responsible for ensuring GOAL needs are met each school year, & promoting GOAL.


  • Lanair Worsham, Jr., Chair
  • Boyd Williamson
  • Hunter Spence
  • Harrell Rackley
  • Chris Nurmi

Finance & Grants

The committee is responsible for all aspects of Westwood finances and assistance with current grants along with procurement of new ones.


  • Harrell Rackley, Chair
  • Lanair Worsham, Jr.
  • Cader Cox, IV
  • Hunter Spence
  • Christy Ward

    Strategic Planning Implementation Team

    The committee’s focus is on Westwood’s mission, vision, and strategic direction.


    • Susan Glass, Co-Chair
    • Jenny Bostick, Co-Chair
    • Christy Ward
    • Keith Croft
    • Betsy Caldwell
    • Holly Layton
    • Azalee Vereen

    2023-2024 Westwood Board of Trustees

    Lanair Worsham, Jr.

    [email protected]

    • By-Law Review Ad-Hoc
    • Finance/Grants
    • Fundraising/GOAL, Chair
    • Grievance
    • Committee on Trustees

    Hunter Spence

    [email protected]

    • Building/Grounds, Chair
    • Finance/Grants
    • Fundraising/GOAL

    Cader Cox, IV

    [email protected]

    • Building/Grounds
    • Finance/Grants
    • Committee on Trustees

    Chris Nurmi

    [email protected]

    • Alumni Relations-Golf Tournament
    • Building/Grounds, Vice-Chair
    • Fundraising/GOAL

    David Griner

    [email protected]

    • Alumni Relations
    • Building/Grounds

    Kelley Smith

    [email protected]

    • Communications & Marketing/Recruitment & Retention

    Heather Lanier

    [email protected]

    • Alumni Relations, Chair
    • By Law Review/Ad Hoc, Chair
    • Committee on Trustees, Co-Chair

    Kelley Joyner

    Booster Club President

    [email protected]

    • Alumni Relations

    Harrell Rackley

    [email protected]

    • Finance/Grants, Chair
    • Fundraising/GOAL

    Jessica Adams

    [email protected]

    • Communications & Marketing/Recruitment & Retention, Chair
    • Committee on Trustees, Co-Chair

    Amanda Heard

    PTO Representative

    [email protected]

    • Alumni Relations, Vice-Chair
    • Communications & Marketing/Recruitment & Retention

    Christy Ward

    BoT Chair

    [email protected]

    • Finance/Grants
    • Grievance
    • Strategic Planning Implementation

    Boyd Williamson

    [email protected]

    • Alumni Relations
    • Fundraising/GOAL

    Lanair Worsham, Sr.

    Grandparents' Club President

    Wade Shiver

    [email protected]

    • Building/Grounds


    Megan Williams

    PTO President

    Don't Be Shy. Get In Touch.

    If you have an issue you feel should be brought to the attention of the Board, or if you have suggestions on how we can enhance your child’s educational experience at Westwood, feel free to contact any board member via their email address links above.